The railway interoperability appears due to the necessity to verify the correct interface between The Railway equipment from different suppliers, including equipment for Telecommunications, Signaling, Electrification and Rolling Stock. Railway interoperability guarantees the compatibility of different railway equipment, and therefore appears as a prerequisite for the correct functionality of High Speed and Conventional Railway Lines.
EURIF, due to his extensive experience in the Railway sector, has been authorized to perform interoperability certificates, specialized in Signaling and Telecommunications Interoperability, but we also can provide Electrification and Rolling Stock certificates. Signaling Interoperability consist on verify the correct interface between the signaling equipment installed On Track (RBC) and the equipment installed On Board (RBC), as well as to verify the compatibility of the different signaling equipment between countries, Signaling equipment, installed in those railway lines equipped with ERTMS, has to be certified by an interoperability laboratory